“You can always tell about somebody by the way they put their hands on an animal.”
– Betty White
We felt so very fortunate over the years that our home was always filled with loud purrs and very loud meows from all of our rescue cats! And at one point, a very large, wonderful golden retriever, Jessie. How lucky to have wonderful memories of zoomies in the rain and always looking for his primary human to be out in the sunshine watching all his happy antics!!
All of the cats that have considered us their humans (or wait staff!) have been unique and in charge of our house — we have had a head of security, a soft spoken lady, a cat with a larger than life personality and one that loved drinking out of the kitchen faucet for 18 years. There were toys that rolled down the hall and fuzzy blankets that were heated. There were doors to perch on top of and favorite friends to curl up with at the end of a busy day. Our house would have been so very lonely indeed if not for our feline friends that loved us humans!